Yearly archives "2016"

13 Articles

Membership Meeting – 9/10/2016

The membership meeting will take place at the Gold Star Museum on September 9 at 10:00 AM.

The program will be presented by Bob Steben, Executive Officer with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Happening — August 13, 2016

Inspired Korea in Iowa  – 2016 Korean Day”  is a Korean Cultural Event  organized by

the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago and CJ Bio America.  If you are

a Korean War veteran you are invited to attend this event.

  Venue:     Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino    Altoona, IA

   Date:          August 13, 2016

Time:           10 AM -2 PM

RSVP to Ed Pagliai by July 31, 2016 with your name and guest’s name at 515-276-4030.


Membership Meeting – 3/12/2016

The membership meeting will take place at the Gold Star Museum on March 12, 2016 at 10 A.M.

Following a short business meeting we will be served an authentic Korean meal by a group of Korean Americans.  Reservations are necessary for you and a guest.

Make reservations at one of these numbers:

Ed Pagliai       515-276-4030                Bill Hartsock    515-494-6106